For over the past 27 years, Egyptian export center has always believed that the foundations of the company are rooted in the earth of its orchards and the people in the field.
Our fresh produce comes in daily from many places of agricultural holdings across Egypt , The vast majorities of our orchards is are on a long term lease to Egyptian export center and are solely tended to by our growers.
A strong family, a strong career
Egyptian export center takes pride in the fact that many of its employees have been with the company for tens of years, and at the same time, believes in combining that incredible experience and knowledge with young agronomists who bring progress, innovation and adventurousness.
Our agronomists are graduates of Egyptian leading university of agriculture who start from the field and work their way up. The supportive surroundings and hands-on experience, along with constant professional guidance and training, is our secret to ‘raising’ the finest agronomists and growers in the world.
Growers at heart
Growing the highest quality produce is our goal. Egyptian export center allocates extensive resources towards research and development which includes professional cooperation with leading institutes and researchers. Our growers are continuously involved in field trials and experiments, and work closely with other growers in order to share knowledge and grow the healthiest, tastiest and freshest produce our land can offer.